A person on a diet might lose 1.5 kg per week. Express the mass loss rate in milligrams per second, as if the dieter could sense the second-by-second loss

lossrate= 1.5kg/week*1week/7days*1day/24hrs*1hr/3600sec*1000g/kg*1000mg/g


To express the mass loss rate in milligrams per second, we need to convert the given rate of 1.5 kg per week to milligrams per second. Here's how you can do it step-by-step:

Step 1: Convert the mass loss rate from kilograms to milligrams.
1 kilogram (kg) = 1,000,000 milligrams (mg)
So, 1.5 kg = 1,500,000 mg.

Step 2: Convert the time unit from weeks to seconds.
1 week = 7 days
1 day = 24 hours
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds

Therefore, 1 week = 7 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 604,800 seconds.

Step 3: Calculate the mass loss rate in milligrams per second.
To find the rate per second, divide the mass loss in milligrams by the number of seconds:
1,500,000 mg / 604,800 seconds = 2.48 mg/s (rounded to two decimal places).

So, the person on a diet would lose approximately 2.48 milligrams per second.

To express the mass loss rate in milligrams per second, we need to convert 1.5 kg per week to milligrams per second.

First, let's convert 1.5 kg to milligrams. Since 1 kilogram (kg) is equal to 1,000,000 milligrams (mg), we can calculate:

1.5 kg = 1.5 × 1,000,000 mg = 1,500,000 mg

Next, let's convert the time from weeks to seconds. One week has 7 days, and each day has 24 hours. Each hour has 60 minutes, and each minute has 60 seconds. Therefore:

1 week = 7 days × 24 hours × 60 minutes × 60 seconds = 604,800 seconds

Finally, we can calculate the mass loss rate in milligrams per second by dividing the mass loss (1,500,000 mg) by the time in seconds (604,800 s):

Mass loss rate = 1,500,000 mg / 604,800 s

Simplifying this calculation gives us:

Mass loss rate ≈ 2.48 mg/s

So, the person on a diet is losing mass at a rate of approximately 2.48 milligrams per second.