Using the operator precedence that excel 2007 follows,which calculation wuld be perfomed first from the following equation?119+7*3/(8-6)-4/2

is a) correct answer thank you

A simplified order of precedence in Excel is:

* and /
+ and -

* and / have the same precedence, so the formula will be evaluated from left to right if one follows the other.

To check the order, you would look for parentheses, the enclosed content of which will be executed first.

Then you would look for * and /.
They would be executed next, from left to right.

Then you would look for + and -, again they would be from left to right.

If you follow the above rules, you will have no problem finding the right answer, which is not (a) 119+7 because there are other operators that have a higher precedence than "+".

Post your answer for a check if you are not sure.

Also, see the following article from Microsoft:

To determine which calculation would be performed first in the equation 119+7*3/(8-6)-4/2, we need to follow the operator precedence rules that Excel 2007 follows.

The operator precedence states that calculations should be performed in the following order:

1. Parentheses
2. Exponents (or powers)
3. Multiplication and Division (from left to right)
4. Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)

Let's break down the equation step by step according to this precedence:

1. Parentheses: There are two sets of parentheses in the equation: (8-6) and (4/2). Since there are no operations within parentheses that have higher precedence, we can skip this step for now.

2. Exponents: There are no exponents in the equation, so we move on to the next step.

3. Multiplication and Division (from left to right): The first operation we encounter is 7*3. According to the rule, we must perform this calculation before any addition or subtraction. So, the first calculation to be performed is 7*3, which gives us 21.

4. Addition and Subtraction (from left to right): After performing the multiplication, we are left with the equation 119+21/(8-6)-4/2.

Now, we perform the subtraction: 8-6 = 2.

The equation becomes 119+21/2-4/2.

Next, we perform the division: 21/2 = 10.5 and 4/2 = 2.

The equation now becomes 119+10.5-2.

Finally, we perform the addition: 119+10.5 = 129.5.

Therefore, the correct answer is not a) 119+7. The correct answer is 129.5.

Note: If you need to calculate this equation in Excel, you can directly input the formula in a cell and Excel will automatically follow the correct operator precedence rules to calculate the result for you.