I need book reviews of "Carrie"

To find book reviews of "Carrie" by Stephen King, you can follow these steps:

1. Search online book review websites: Start by searching for reputable book review websites such as Goodreads, BookPage, or Publishers Weekly. These platforms have a wide range of book reviews written by both professional critics and regular readers.

2. Check library databases: Many libraries maintain databases of book reviews that you can access online if you have a library card. Visit your local library's website and navigate to their online resources section to see if they have any databases tailored to book reviews.

3. Explore online retailers: Platforms like Amazon or Barnes & Noble often feature customer reviews of books, including "Carrie." While these reviews may not be as detailed or comprehensive as professional reviews, they can provide you with valuable insights from readers who have already finished the book.

4. Utilize search engines: Conduct a search query on popular search engines such as Google or Bing using the keywords "Carrie book reviews." This will generate a variety of results, including articles, blog posts, and reviews from different sources.

Remember to read multiple reviews to gain a broader understanding of various perspectives on the book. Professional reviews typically explore themes, literary style, and overall evaluation, while customer reviews offer more personal opinions and experiences.