What is the difference between communism and socialism?



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To understand the difference between communism and socialism, we need to dive into their definitions and their historical contexts.

Communism is a socioeconomic ideology and political movement. Its core principle is the abolition of private property and the establishment of a classless society, where all resources are collectively owned and controlled by the community or the state. In a communist society, individuals' needs are supposed to be met according to their abilities and contributions. Moreover, the state is expected to eventually "wither away" once the conditions for a classless society have been achieved.

Getting to the answer:
To understand communism, you can start by reading works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who are considered the founders of modern communism. Marx's "Communist Manifesto" is a good starting point, as it outlines the basic tenets and goals of communism. Reading secondary sources, such as academic articles or books on the topic, can also provide further insight into the development and application of communism in different countries.

Socialism, on the other hand, is a broad term encompassing a variety of ideologies and theories advocating for social and economic equality, as well as public ownership or extensive government control of the means of production. It seeks to address systemic inequalities by establishing more equitable distribution of resources, opportunities, and wealth within society.

Getting to the answer:
To understand socialism, you can explore the ideas of influential socialist thinkers such as Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, or Rosa Luxemburg. Additionally, studying historical examples of socialist policies and movements in different countries, such as the welfare states in Scandinavia or the nationalization of industries in post-World War II Britain, can provide practical insights into how socialism has been implemented.

Key differences between communism and socialism:
1. Means of Production: Communism aims for common ownership of all means of production (land, factories, etc.), whereas socialism allows for a mixture of public and private ownership, with a focus on the state or community having control over key industries and resources.

2. Classless Society: Communism seeks to eradicate all social classes, whereas socialism focuses on addressing class inequalities and ensuring social justice through redistribution of wealth, but not necessarily eliminating all social classes.

3. Role of the State: In communism, the state is expected to eventually dissolve once a classless society is achieved. In socialism, the state has a more active role in redistributing resources and regulating the economy.

4. Transitionary Stage: Communism envisions a transitional stage between capitalism and full communism, known as the "dictatorship of the proletariat," where the working class seizes power from the bourgeoisie. Socialism can also involve transitional stages, but they may vary depending on the specific ideology or approach being followed.

Remember, understanding complex ideologies like communism and socialism requires extensive reading, research, and studying diverse perspectives.