Find the angle of the measure formed by the clock.


we only to find the angle formed between 2 and 3 (represents where the longer hand points when 15 minutes). notice that, as the longer hand of clock moves, the shorter hand also moves. the maximum angle that it can move in an hour is

360/12 = 30 degrees (occurs if the longer hand did one whole revolution or one hour)
since it's only 15 min or 1/4 of an hour,
30 / 4 = 7.5 degrees (if it's from 2, the shorter hand travelled 7.5 degrees BELOW the 2)
since the angle needed is between 2 and 3,
30 - 7.5 = 22.5 degrees

i hope you understand the explanation~ ^^;

How do you write the answer in __degree___'

it wants it written like that...
would it be 22degrees30' or 22degrees25'

You would write Jai's answer as

22° 30'

since the .5 in 22.5 shows that you are half way into the next degree, and since there are 60 minutes in a degree, it would be 1/2 of 60 or 30 minutes.

To find the angle formed by a clock at a given time, you would need to calculate the angle between the hour and minute hands. Here's how you can do it:

1. Determine the hour hand position: In a standard 12-hour analog clock, the hour hand completes 360 degrees in 12 hours, which means it moves 30 degrees per hour. Since the time is 2:15, the hour hand is 2 + (15/60) = 2.25 hours past 12, so it has moved 2.25 * 30 = 67.5 degrees.

2. Determine the minute hand position: The minute hand completes 360 degrees in 60 minutes, which means it moves 6 degrees per minute. For 15 minutes, the minute hand has moved 15 * 6 = 90 degrees.

3. Find the angle between the hour and minute hands: Subtract the angle of the hour hand from the angle of the minute hand. In this case, 90 - 67.5 = 22.5 degrees.

Therefore, the angle formed by the clock at 2:15 is 22.5 degrees.