given the linear equation y=-7/4x-1 find the y-coordinates of the points (-4 ), (0 ),and (4 )

y = (-7/4)x - 1

since the points given will satisfy the given equation, we just substitute the value of x-coordinate to variable x in the equation to get y:
for x = -4,
y = (-7/4)*(-4) - 1
y = 7 - 1 = 6
thus the first point is (-4,6)

for x = 0,
y = (-7/4)*0 - 1
y = -1
thus the second point is (0,-1)

for x = 4,
y = (-7/4)*4 - 1
y = -7 - 1
y = -8
thus the third point is (4,-8)

hope this helps~ :)