declarative, imparative, interrogative, or excalmatory?

1. How pretty the sunset is
2. Don't stand so close to the edge
3. It was quite chilly at night
4. Look at us riding on mules in this canyon

There is one of each type of sentence.

What type of sentence do you think each is? I'll be glad to check your answers.

Only three types of sentences are listed above.

We enjoyed our vacation in the southwest

To determine whether a sentence is declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory, we need to analyze the sentence structure and the overall intention expressed.

1. "How pretty the sunset is." - This sentence is an exclamatory sentence because it expresses strong emotion or surprise. It is structured as a statement, but the exclamation mark indicates the emotional tone.

2. "Don't stand so close to the edge." - This sentence is an imperative sentence because it gives a command or makes a request. Imperative sentences often have an implied subject "you" and lack a subject explicitly stated.

3. "It was quite chilly at night." - This sentence is a declarative sentence because it makes a statement or provides information. Declarative sentences express facts, opinions, or observations.

4. "Look at us riding on mules in this canyon." - This sentence is an imperative sentence because it gives a command or makes a request. The verb "look" is an imperative verb, and the sentence lacks an explicit subject.

In summary:
1. Exclamatory
2. Imperative
3. Declarative
4. Imperative