how do I write a pseudocode to find and display the largest list of positive numbers entered by the user. The user should indicate that he/she has finished entering numbers by enter a

please I want the above us question answer


To write pseudocode for finding and displaying the largest list of positive numbers entered by the user, you can follow these steps:

1. Initialize a variable, let's say `largest = 0`, to store the largest number entered by the user.

2. Initialize an empty list or array, let's say `numbers[]`, to store the positive numbers entered by the user.

3. Start a loop to continuously accept user inputs until they indicate they are finished entering numbers. You can do this by using a condition like "while true" or "do-while" loop.

4. Prompt the user to enter a number.

5. Read the number entered by the user and store it in a temporary variable, let's say `num`.

6. Check if `num` is positive. You can do this by using an if condition like `if num > 0`:

a. If `num` is positive, add it to the `numbers[]` list.

b. Also, check if `num` is greater than the current largest number (`largest`). If so, update the value of `largest` to `num`.

7. After each iteration, prompt the user if they want to enter more numbers or not.

8. If the user indicates they are finished (for example, they can enter a specific key or type "exit"), exit the loop and proceed to the next step.

9. Finally, display the largest number (`largest`) that was found in the `numbers[]` list.

Here's an example of how the pseudocode might look:

largest = 0
numbers = []

while true do
print "Enter a positive number (type 'exit' to finish): "
input = read input

if input is a number then
num = convert input to number

if num > 0 then
add num to numbers[]

if num > largest then
largest = num
end if
else if input is "exit" then
exit the loop
end if
end while

print "The largest positive number entered is: " + largest

Remember, pseudocode is not a specific programming language, but rather a way to express algorithms in human-readable form. You can translate this pseudocode into the programming language of your choice.

2. A public light utitlity company bills a unit of electricity usage in KWH. In its new billing policy, domestic usage, Rate 15, will have a monthly rate of $ 12.20 per unit for the first 100 KWH; $ 18.25 per unit for the next 700 KWH and $ 42.10 per unit for the each additional units. In the case of Commercial usage, Rate 20, the JPSCo will bill all units at $ 31.50. The billing manager is given the amount of electricity units (in KWH) used by a customer along with his rate category (ie 15 or 20). A program is needed to calculate the amount of money due to be paid by the customer and to generate a bill statement. A GCT of 18% is added to the final amount of all bills. Develop the psuedocode program for same

A pseudocode is nothing but a program written in an imaginary programming language that resembles English (or any other spoken language) so that the way and the steps to solve the problem can be made evident.

The way and the steps to solve a problem, when "translated" to English, is an algorithm.

The question requires you to solve the problem by stating the steps you will need to do to achieve the desired result.

You can start by stating the method/steps/procedure in English.

The exact wording of the question makes a big difference to the solution.

To me,
" find and display the largest list of positive numbers entered by the user."
is not very clear.

A list usually has two or more elements. It is not stated how many are needed on the list, e.g. top 10, top 3, etc.

It could also mean to sort the complete list entered by the user into a descending sequence.

If there was a typo, it could simply be looking for the largest number among those entered.

Since the question specified positive numbers, your method/algorithm should check that the entered number is a positive integer, i.e. exclude zeroes and negative numbers. If not, an error or warning message should be issued, and the program should terminate or have the user re-enter accordingly.

The above presents some guides. You'd need to check for typos in the question. If there were none, you could check with your teacher what the proper interpretation is.