which technique is used after a student gives a wrong answer and the teacher continues to aim questions at that student?

(b)probing(my answer)

which of the following guidelines for demonstrations is good advice to follow?
(a)after a demonstration tellstudents what they should have looked for
(b)dont speak during the demonstration it will distract students
(c)dont pratice the demonstration ahead of time it will appear rehearsed and boring
(d)make sure you have all the materials you will need in advance(my answer)

what does the redirecting technique involve?
(a)waiting longer before responding to a students answer
(b)asking additional questions of the same student
(c)waiting longer before expecting a student to respond
(d)asking anothr student the same question(my answer)

which of the following is an example of a cognitive memory or recall question?
(a)how are a frog and a toad alike
(b)how were the campaigns of bush and clinton different
(c)how do you spell marine (my answer)
(d)do you like mozarts music?why or why not?

what is the optimum size for small groups?
(b)five (my answer)

ms sue please

Great! I agree with all of your answers! :-)

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