Anti-history. what are some reasons persons feel that history is not relevant

They are idiots

They are ethnocentric (look up that word)
They feel that ...well...there are more important things, listening to Lady Gaga...and

Take a look here.

they think that it doesn't matter that different stuff matters like t.v. video games

There are several reasons why some people may feel that history is not relevant. Here are a few:

1. Lack of Interest: Some individuals simply do not find history interesting or engaging. They may prefer to focus on present-day issues and events rather than looking back at the past.

2. Perceived Irrelevance: Some argue that history does not have a direct impact on their daily lives. They may struggle to see the connection between past events and their present realities, leading them to question the relevance of studying history.

3. Bias and Distortion: History can sometimes be seen as subjective, with different perspectives and interpretations. This can lead some individuals to believe that history is unreliable and therefore not worth studying.

4. Emphasis on Memorization: Traditional approaches to teaching history often prioritize rote memorization of dates and facts instead of critical thinking and analysis. This can make history seem like a tedious exercise rather than a means to understand the past.

5. Limited Practical Application: Some argue that studying history lacks practical application in terms of career prospects or developing specific skills. This view suggests that time spent studying history could be better utilized in pursuing other subjects or activities.

It is important to note that while these reasons may contribute to a perception of history as irrelevant, history remains a crucial discipline for understanding the world we live in. History helps us understand the root causes of societal issues, provides lessons from the past, and helps shape our collective identity.