What would be an opinion that could be used as a topic sentence for a single persuasive paragraph about Photography?

Please tell us what YOU think, and then someone here will comment on your ideas.


I'm not real sure. Maybe, "Photography is a fun hobby."???

That's a start. But since you have only one paragraph in which to be persuasive, it'll need to be a bit "punchier" or more debatable! Think about some of these:

Photography is a wonderful hobby that combines art and technology.

Photography is a hobby that can actively involve all ages of people in the family.

Can a successful writer also be an insightful photographer?

As a hobby or a vocation, photography can become quite expensive.

A photographer who specializes in black-and-white is usually more perceptive than one who uses only color film.


Hint: The first two are very blah!!

To find an opinion that could be used as a topic sentence for a persuasive paragraph about Photography, you would first need to identify a specific viewpoint related to the topic. One possible opinion could be: "Photography is the most powerful medium for capturing and preserving memories."

To develop this opinion into a topic sentence, you could further explain why photography is seen as the most powerful medium for memories. For instance, you could discuss its ability to freeze a moment in time, evoke emotions, and tell stories without the need for words. This topic sentence sets the tone for your paragraph and gives an indication of what you will be persuading the reader to believe.

Remember, when crafting a persuasive paragraph or essay, it is important to present evidence, examples, and logical reasoning to support your opinion. This will help strengthen your argument and make it more convincing to the reader.