I am very sorry but I was wrong with the problem.

The math problem is:
9 / (3.6-2.1)
Thank you Anonymus for your answer but I want the problem that I wrote above.
If you help me again pleaseeeeeeeee.
I don't know how to resolve this. Thanks again.

9 / (3.6-2.1) = 9 / 1.5 (Multiply both sides with 4)

= ( 9*4 ) / ( 1.5 * 4 ) =

36 / 6 = ( 6 * 9 ) / 6 = 6

9 / (3.6-2.1) = 6


36 / 6 = ( 6 * 6 ) / 6 = 6

No problem! I can help you with that.

To solve the math problem 9 / (3.6-2.1), you need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division [from left to right], Addition and Subtraction [from left to right]).

Step 1: Start by subtracting 2.1 from 3.6.
3.6 - 2.1 = 1.5

Step 2: Now, you have 9 divided by 1.5.
9 / 1.5 = 6

Therefore, the solution to the math problem 9 / (3.6-2.1) is 6.