I was wondering how do I put "Elle se Bronzent" is the Passe Compose, Imparfait, and Plus que parfait since i still haven't gotten the hang of it.

First of all there is an error in the basic sentence. Either:

Elles se bronzent
Elle se bronze

1. For the Passé Composé, all Reflexive verbs (se bronzer) require être as the auxiliary/helping verb.
Elles se sont bronzées (the Past Participle functions like an adjective and must be feminine plural, like the Subject)
Elle s'est bronzée

2. For the Imperfect, this is a regular -er verb
Elles se bronzaient.
Elle se bronzait

3. For the Plus que Parfait, again, because this is a Reflexive Verb, it requires être as the auxiliary verb. That will use the l'imparfait.
Elles s'étaient bronzées
Elle s'était bronzée

Feel free to ask any question about anything you don't understand.

Sra (aka Mme)

To conjugate the verb "se bronzer" (to tan) in the passé composé, imperfect, and plus-que-parfait tenses, you need to use the auxiliary verb "être". Here's how you can do it:

1. Passé Composé:
To form the passé composé, you need the present tense of "être" (suis) and the past participle of "se bronzer" (bronze). However, since "se bronzer" is a reflexive verb, the past participle will agree in gender and number with the subject.

- Elle s'est bronzée. (She tanned) - Feminine subject
- Ils se sont bronzés. (They tanned) - Masculine plural subject

2. Imparfait:
To form the imparfait, you need the imperfect tense of "être" (était) and the present participle of "se bronzer" (bronze). The present participle remains unchanged, regardless of the subject's gender or number.

- Elle se bronzait. (She was tanning)
- Ils se bronzeaient. (They were tanning)

3. Plus-que-parfait:
To form the plus-que-parfait, you need the imperfect tense of "être" (était) and the past participle of "se bronzer" (bronze). Once again, the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject.

- Elle s'était bronzée. (She had tanned)
- Ils s'étaient bronzés. (They had tanned)

Remember, conjugating verbs in these tenses requires a good understanding of the conjugation of the auxiliary verb "être."