Is this correct?

describe the feedback you received from WritePointSM, providing specific examples of helpful suggestions, as well as ones you felt may have been incorrect and why you think that.
underline topic sentence.

Topic sentence firtst sentence

I found the feedback from WritePoint to be somewhat contradicting. I did not get much feedback although there were two parts that stood out and did not make any sense to me. It suggested that I change one of my words “sentences” to “sentenced”, another suggestion was to change “than” to “then”. I did not make those two changes, because I felt that the way I had written them was correct in the first place. My suggestion for someone when they are writing is to take their time and consider their word usage. If you become confused by a word then you should always refer to another source such as a dictionary or a thesaurus to assure yourself that you use the correct word in the right way. So with using another souse and having your writing done correctly in the first place you are less likely to have WritePoint pointing out what it believes to be errors that are actually correct.

Good paragraph -- you have found the same types of results from WritePoint that I used to get from MS Word's grammar checker -- almost completely useless!!

Keep your content the same, but think about these things:

contradictory, instead of "contradicting"

Your 3rd sentence is really a run-on; how will you fix it?

You have switched between 1st and 3rd person and 2nd person -- it would be better to rephrase in order to get rid of all 2nd person words (you, your...).

"souse" is not correct, but it's also something that spell check will pick up on. What is your correction?

Thank you for your help

To determine if your understanding of the feedback from WritePoint is correct, let's analyze your response.

You mentioned that the feedback from WritePoint was somewhat contradicting, but you didn't receive much feedback overall. However, you provided two specific examples of suggestions. One suggestion was to change the word "sentences" to "sentenced", and the other was to change "than" to "then".

Your reasoning for not making those changes was that you believed the way you had originally written them was correct.

To properly evaluate if the feedback was incorrect, we need to focus on the topic sentence of your response. A topic sentence acts as a summary or main idea of the paragraph. It helps the reader understand what the paragraph is about.

In your response, the first sentence serves as the topic sentence: "I found the feedback from WritePoint to be somewhat contradicting."

To underline the topic sentence, you would highlight or mark the sentence like this:

I found the feedback from WritePoint to be somewhat contradicting.

Overall, you correctly identified and underlined the topic sentence as required.