what does it mean for categories to overlap?

does it mean that categories overlap if they have the same value?

Cause : Percent
weather : 40
error : 6
mech. : 12
sabotage: 6

the example is supposed to be a table

Categories overlap if they have some of the same values.

When we say that categories overlap, it means that they share some common elements or values. In the example you provided, the categories "error" and "sabotage" both have a value of 6. This implies that there are some incidents that can be categorized as both "error" and "sabotage," thus showing an overlap between these two categories.

However, it's important to note that for categories to overlap, they do not necessarily need to have the same value. Overlapping can occur when there are shared elements or values across different categories, even if the values are different.

To determine if categories overlap in a given dataset, you can analyze the presence of shared values or elements within different categories. In your example, if there were incidents that were categorized as both "error" and "weather" (even if the values are different), then we could say that these categories overlap.