A jogger runs in a straight line with an average velocity of v1=6.6 m/s for t1=6.0 min, and then with an average velocity of v2=5 m/s for t2=3.0 min. What is her average velocity during this time? Answer in units of m/s.




To find the average velocity, we can use the formula:

Average Velocity = Total displacement / Total time

The total time can be calculated by adding the individual times:

Total time = t1 + t2

Total time = 6.0 min + 3.0 min = 9.0 min

Since we need the answer in m/s, we need to convert the total time from minutes to seconds since velocity is measured in meters per second. There are 60 seconds in a minute, so:

Total time = 9.0 min * 60 sec/min = 540 sec

The total displacement is the sum of the individual displacements. We can calculate the displacements using the formula:

Displacement = Average velocity * Time

For the first part of the jog, the displacement is:

Displacement1 = v1 * t1

Displacement1 = 6.6 m/s * 6.0 min = 39.6 m

For the second part of the jog, the displacement is:

Displacement2 = v2 * t2

Displacement2 = 5 m/s * 3.0 min = 15 m

The total displacement is the sum of the individual displacements:

Total displacement = Displacement1 + Displacement2

Total displacement = 39.6 m + 15 m = 54.6 m

Now we can calculate the average velocity:

Average velocity = Total displacement / Total time

Average velocity = 54.6 m / 540 sec

Average velocity = 0.1 m/s

Therefore, the jogger's average velocity during this time is 0.1 m/s.