Visual representation of a math problem involving two numbers. The first number, 168, is represented by a stack of uniquely shaped blocks, with each block representing one unit. Each block has a distinct color and texture. The second number, 324, is represented by a different set of unique blocks stacked in the same manner. The stacks are placed side by side on a sleek, wooden table against a neutral background. The light in the room is dim, providing a soothing environment for learning and problem solving. This image does not contain any text.

The smallest positive integer value of n for which 168 n is a multiple of 324

What you are trying to solve is finding the minimum "n" for a minimum "b" in the following equation, where both n and b are integers:


expanding the exponents:


cancelling common factors:


so: 14n=27b

There are no factors in common between the 14 and 27. In order to obtain integer results, n must be a multiple of 27 (otherwise b would be a non-integer).

The smallest multiple of 27 is 1x27 = 27.

So n=27

((Credits for the answer: friendlyhelp04))

It's been a decade so my answer is probably useless, but I'll say it anyway

(First, we need the smallest possible value which a multiple of both 168 and 324 ie "smallest positive integer...for which 168 n is a multiple of 324" )

168=2³ * 3 * 7
324=2² * 3⁴
(circle the 2s and 3s --which are common)

LCM= 2³ * 3⁴ * 7 (no. w/ bigger power and other 7 is taken)
= 8 * 81 *7
= 4536
(now we have a no. which is a multiple of 168 and 324 "168 n is a multiple of 324" ) (4536 is the value of 168n, through that, we find the value of just n)

Hence, the suitable value of n is 27! :)

It's been 11 years, and I am still stuck.

168 n/324

= 2^3×3×7 n/2^2×3^4

168 n/324

= 2^3×3×7 n/2^2×3^4


168n= 2x2x2x3x7xn

324= 2x2x9x9

so we need 9x9 , which was not contained in 168

n = 81

check: 168n becomes 13608
and 13608/324 = 42