is pre-analyzed a word?

We have pre-analyzed how they would end up if they think they are in love from comparing to Tom and Daisy.

No. Just use "analyzed."

im trying to say like based on other things we can assume that they will end u thisway... is there a word for that

Yes, "pre-analyzed" is a word. It is formed by combining the prefix "pre-", meaning "before," with the verb "analyze," meaning "to examine or study in detail." When you add the prefix "pre-" to a word, it generally indicates that the action occurred before or prior to the main action.

In your example sentence, "pre-analyzed" is used to describe the action of analyzing something before it actually happens. It implies that the subject of the sentence, presumably "We," have already examined or studied how these individuals would end up if they believe they are in love. The comparison to Tom and Daisy likely serves as a reference point for the analysis.

To determine if "pre-analyzed" is a word, you can consult a dictionary or use an online dictionary website. These resources provide definitions and usage examples for various words, including those formed by combining prefixes with base words.