what word goes with the definition a

single press run or copy


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To find a word that goes with the definition "a single press run or copy," we can start by understanding the keywords in the definition.

In this case, the keywords are "single," "press run," and "copy." A press run refers to the act of producing a batch or series of printed items using a printing press, such as books, newspapers, or magazines. A copy, in the context of printing, refers to a reproduction or instance of a printed item.

Based on this information, we can determine that the word we are looking for should relate to a single instance or individual copy produced during a press run.

Considering these factors, an appropriate word that fits the definition would be "impression." In printing, an impression refers to a single copy or instance of a printed item produced during a press run.

Therefore, the word that goes with the definition "a single press run or copy" is "impression."