38 men attend a meeting, six wore neither a tie or glasses, 22 wore ties, and 8 of those who wore ties also wore glasses. In all, how many males in attendance wore glasses.

With your data, 8.

These are so confusing.

Thanks much!

To find the number of males who wore glasses, we can use a method called the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle. Let's break down the information given:

Total number of men = 38
Number of men who wore ties = 22
Number of men who wore neither a tie nor glasses = 6
Number of men who wore ties and glasses = 8

To find the number of men who wore glasses, we need to determine the number of men who wore only glasses and the number of men who wore both ties and glasses.

First, let's find the number of men who wore only glasses. We start with the total number of men who wore glasses (which is the number of men who wore ties and glasses) and subtract the number of men who wore both ties and glasses:

Number of men who wore only glasses = Number of men who wore glasses - Number of men who wore both ties and glasses
= 8 - 8
= 0

Now, let's find the number of men who wore both ties and glasses:

Number of men who wore both ties and glasses = 8

Therefore, the total number of men who wore glasses is the sum of those who wore only glasses and those who wore both ties and glasses:

Total number of men who wore glasses = Number of men who wore only glasses + Number of men who wore both ties and glasses
= 0 + 8
= 8

Hence, there were 8 males in attendance who wore glasses.