Three last questions to make sure everything is correct. Thank you.

1) Outline the main features of Shakespearian play (why not "a" Shak. play) of your choice.
2) The Tories descended from the Royalists.
3) Who did the Tories did descend from?
What delayed the English Renaissance?
and Not What was the English .... delayed by.
4) Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man as it was expected by law.
5) Report (orally) about Defoe's life.

1) Outline the main features of Shakespearian play (why not "a" Shak. play) of your choice.

It should be "a Shakespearean play," yes. Note the spelling of 'Shakespearean.'"

2) OK

3) Who did the Tories did descend from?
What delayed the English Renaissance?

4) Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man as she was expected to by law.

5) Plan and give an oral report about Defoe's life.