i was wondering what did i do wrong in this

10. Divide (3x – 2)(x - 4) – (x - 4)(6 – 5x) / (4 – x)(8x – 1)

10- (3x-2)(x-4)-(x-4)(6-5x)/(4-x)(8x-1)

The (x-4) cancels out because the (x-4)is common in all the terms of the top and bottom




8x-8 factored = 8(x-1)

8(x-1)/-(8x-1) = -1+7/8x-1

Picking up from

[(3x-2)]-[(6-5x)]/-(8x-1) , which is correct up to there
= (8x - 8)/(1-8x)
= 8(x-1)/(1-8x)

nothing else can be done