Can you please check these other questions, too? Thank you very much.

1) What characterized the 18-century novel?
2) How did the writer achieve the ideal of realism in the 18-century novel?
3) Refer briefly to the structure of Defoe's novel?
4) What kind of narration dos he make use of?
5) Can you summarize briefly the plot of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe?
6) Who did Gulliver meet at the Academy of Lagado?
7) Why does Gulliver find himself displaced when he returns back to England? Describe briefly his four imaginary voyages.
8) How is Gulliver portrayed at the beginning of the novel? Does his personality change throughout the novel?
How would you pronounce the name "Houyhnhnms"?

1) What characterized the 18th century novel?

2) How did the writer achieve the ideal of realism in the 18th century novel?

3) Refer briefly to the structure of Defoe's novel? (Are you sure you don't mean "describe" instead of "refer"?)

4) What kind of narration dos he use?

5) Can you summarize briefly the plot of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe? Literally, the answer to this question is either "yes" or "no" -- yes, I can ... or no, I can't. What do you REALLY want to ask?

6) Whom did Gulliver meet at the Academy of Lagado?

7) Why does Gulliver find himself displaced when he returns to England? Describe briefly his four imaginary voyages.

8) OK

How would you pronounce the name "Houyhnhnms"?
Click on the sideways triangle just to the left of the words "Pronunciation by Topquark."

4) What kind of narration does he use?


Certainly! I can help you with each of these questions. Here's how you can find the answers:

1) To understand what characterized the 18th-century novel, you can start by researching the literary movements and themes that were prevalent during that time period. Look for information on notable authors and works from the 18th century, as well as the literary style and subject matter commonly found in novels of that era.

2) To learn about how writers achieved the ideal of realism in the 18th-century novel, you can research the techniques and strategies they used to portray everyday life accurately. Consider reading about specific authors who are known for their realistic approach, such as Daniel Defoe or Samuel Richardson. Analyze their writing style, use of dialogue, description, and attention to detail.

3) To grasp the structure of Defoe's novel, you can start by reading a summary or plot analysis of the specific novel you're referring to. Look for information about the division of the story into parts or chapters, the use of different narrative perspectives, and any other structural elements that may have been employed by the author.

4) To find out what kind of narration Defoe used in his novel, you can refer to literary analyses or critical discussions of his work. Scholars and experts often discuss the narrative techniques and styles employed by authors, which can help you understand the specific type of narration used by Defoe.

5) To summarize the plot of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, you can read a summary or plot synopsis of the novel. Look for concise summaries that highlight the main events, characters, and themes in the story. This will give you a good understanding of the overall plot without going into too much detail.

6) To find out whom Gulliver met at the Academy of Lagado, you can read the specific section or chapter of the novel that describes this encounter. Look for character names or descriptions that may reveal the identities of the individuals Gulliver interacts with at the Academy.

7) To understand why Gulliver finds himself displaced upon returning to England and to get a brief description of his four imaginary voyages, you can read a summary or analysis of Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Look for explanations of the themes, motifs, and events that take place in the story, which will provide the information you need.

8) To learn how Gulliver is portrayed at the beginning of the novel and whether his personality changes throughout the story, you can conduct a character analysis of Gulliver. Look for descriptions of his actions, thoughts, and behavior at different points in the novel. Pay attention to how his character develops or evolves over time.

As for the pronunciation of "Houyhnhnms," it is pronounced as "hoo-IN-ems." Remember to stress the "IN" syllable.