i am so stuck and it's stressing me out cos i just can't do geography. does anyone now how ash and lava volcanoes are formed?? Or can anyone give me any useful sites that will help me with this question??? Thanks


Take a look through these articles and see if there's information here you can use. Please really read them; don't just scan the list!!

In addition to the resources already suggested, check out this site.


I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling stuck and stressed about geography. I can definitely help you understand how ash and lava volcanoes are formed.

Volcanoes are formed when molten rock, known as magma, from beneath the Earth's surface rises to the surface through a vent or opening in the Earth's crust. The way volcanic eruptions occur determines whether it produces ash or lava.

1. Ash Volcanoes:
- Ash volcanoes, also called explosive volcanoes, occur when highly viscous magma with a high gas content erupts.
- The high gas content causes pressure to build up within the magma chamber. When the pressure exceeds the strength of the overlying rock, an explosive eruption occurs.
- The magma is fragmented into tiny pieces, creating ash during the eruption. The ash consists of fine rock particles, mineral fragments, and volcanic glass.

2. Lava Volcanoes:
- Lava volcanoes, also known as effusive volcanoes, occur when relatively low-viscosity magma with a low gas content erupts.
- The low gas content allows the magma to flow more easily.
- When the magma reaches the surface, it flows slowly and smoothly, creating lava flows.
- The lava can be thick and sticky, like the ones in shield volcanoes, or more fluid, like the ones in composite or stratovolcanoes.

To better understand the formation and characteristics of ash and lava volcanoes, there are several useful websites you can explore:

- The National Geographic website provides a comprehensive overview of volcanoes, including their formation and types: https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/volcano/
- The United States Geological Survey (USGS) website offers educational resources, interactive maps, and real-time volcano updates: https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/
- The BBC Bitesize website offers interactive learning resources, including videos and quizzes, to help you grasp the concepts of volcanoes: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z849q6f

Exploring these websites will provide you with detailed information and visuals to support your understanding of ash and lava volcanoes. Remember, practice and repetition are key to mastering any subject, so don't hesitate to revisit the resources or ask for assistance if you need further clarification. Good luck with your geography studies!