where or what part of brain does consciousness reside? I've looked online but mostly just journal articles and so forth. HELP!


thank you so much!

The concept of consciousness is complex and still not completely understood by scientists. However, the cerebral cortex is considered to be a crucial part of the brain that is involved in consciousness.

To find information about where consciousness resides in the brain, I suggest looking at reliable scientific sources and research papers. While journal articles can be a valuable source, they may require specialized knowledge to fully understand.

In this case, I recommend referring to the Wikipedia page on the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of the brain responsible for higher cognitive functions, including consciousness. The Wikipedia page provides an overview of the structure and functions of the cerebral cortex, as well as links to other related topics that you might find helpful.

You can visit the Wikipedia page on the cerebral cortex by going to the following URL:

Please keep in mind that while Wikipedia can be a useful starting point, it is always a good idea to cross-reference the information and consult other reputable sources to get a well-rounded understanding of any scientific topic.