Describe why people tend to turn their backs and tell themselves there is nothing wrong when addressing physical and emotional abuse in relationships. Discuss the importance of support in your answer.

Physical and emotional abuse is ignorance can be related to a number of factors.

for example:
- cultural expectations
*e.g. perhaps women are not encouraged to speak up, and the idea of abuse is supposed to be silenced

- personal experiences
* e.g. they may have gone through physical and emotional abuse many times already (e.g. childhood abuse, intimate relationships, parental abuse etc.) and have normalised the idea

- fear
*e.g. they've been threatened, don't want to cause problems for the relationship/s, they believe they are at fault for the abuse

- no social support/don't know where to seek help
*e.g. they depend on their partner, and don't have anywhere to turn

of course there are many other factors that drive a person to not address their abuse, but these are a few examples you might want to look into further.

as for importance of support:
e.g. it allows them a sense of safety, encouragement to speak up, information (to understand why it's okay to ask for help), self-esteem/confidence boost. etc.

as above, these are only a few examples you might want to look up (: