square root of 25

To calculate the square root of 25, you can use a calculator or you can manually find the answer.

Using a calculator, simply enter "√25" or "square root of 25" and the calculator will give you the answer, which is 5.

If you want to calculate it manually, one way is to use the prime factorization method. First, find the prime factors of 25, which are 5 and 5. Then, pair the factors together: one 5 with another 5. Since each pair of factors represents one instance of a number being multiplied by itself, you have one pair in this case. So, the square root of 25 is 5.

Another method is estimation. Determine the closest perfect square number to 25, which is 16 (4x4). Since 25 is greater than 16, the square root of 25 will be slightly more than 4. Approximating, you can take the average of 4 and 5, which is 4.5. Squaring 4.5 will give you 20.25, which is pretty close to 25, so 4.5 is a good estimate for the square root of 25.

In summary, the square root of 25 is 5.