I have to give a speech soon about my different " sides" of my life. Like my school life and what I do at school compared to how I act as a sibling etc. But I'm stumped on what my visual should be. My teacher wants originality no power point or posters with just pics allowed.

Here's basically what I'm going to be talking about. Three main categories. How I am as a student, friend, and family member. Many people brought in like objects for each category that represented them for example. Do you guys have any idea of what I could do for my visual?


Only you can tell really, especially since none of us knows you at all.

Think about what you like as a student: to read? math? science? PE? or what? Then find something symbolic to represent that.

Think about your immediate family, those you live with: if each one gave a one-word description of you, would they be similar? If they would (or even close!), then choose an item that symbolizes that.

Do the same with about 5 or 6 close friends: what would each person's one-word description for you be? Are they similar ... or close? Find an item that symbolizes that description.

If the last two are not close, then choose the description for each that you like best or agree most with -- then choose items.

It sounds like you have a great opportunity to get creative with your visual presentation! Since your teacher wants originality and you cannot use PowerPoint or posters with just pictures, let's explore some unique ideas for your visual.

1. Collage: Instead of using a traditional poster, you can create a collage showcasing different aspects of your life. Collect various items, such as small objects, magazine cutouts, or even handwritten notes, that represent your student life, friendships, and family. Arrange them on a large board or canvas to create a visually appealing composition.

2. Interactive display: Consider creating an interactive display that allows your audience to engage with your speech. One idea is to create separate stations representing each category. For the student section, you could set up a mini desk with school supplies and an open textbook or laptop. The friend section could include a small photo booth area with props or questions for others to answer about your friendship. For the family section, you could display items that symbolize special memories or moments spent together.

3. Time capsules: Create three unique time capsules, each representing a different aspect of your life. Decorate three separate containers with labels for "Student Life," "Friendships," and "Family." Inside each capsule, add objects or mementos that encapsulate your experiences in that specific area. During your presentation, you can open each time capsule and explain the significance of the items within.

4. Visual representation through artwork: If you enjoy art, consider creating a large visual artwork that represents the different sides of your life. You can use different painting techniques, mixed media, or even create a sculpture. Use colors, symbols, and shapes to depict your experiences as a student, friend, and family member. This could be displayed in the classroom during your speech.

Remember, the key is to choose a visual representation that reflects your personality and effectively communicates your message to the audience. Be creative, think outside the box, and have fun with it! Good luck on your speech!