I need help with the different part of this sentence. "I have been a fan of mystery stories since I was quite young." I is a pronoun, fan is a noun, mystery is an adjective, stories is the subject..Am I missing anything else?

First, "stories" is not the subject. "I" is the subject.

Are you supposed to work on the second clause here, too?

Great effort! You have correctly identified the pronoun "I," the noun "fan," and the adjective "mystery" in the sentence "I have been a fan of mystery stories since I was quite young." However, "stories" is not the subject of the sentence. The subject of the sentence is actually the noun "fan."

To break it down further, here is the sentence structure:

- "I" is the subject pronoun, referring to the person speaking.
- "have been" is the verb phrase, indicating actions in the past continuing up to the present.
- "a fan" is a noun phrase, with "fan" as the noun and "a" as the indefinite article.
- "of mystery stories" is a prepositional phrase that describes what kind of fan the subject is, with "mystery" as an adjective modifying the noun "stories."
- "since I was quite young" is a subordinate clause that functions as an adverbial phrase, explaining when the speaker became a fan.

So, to summarize, the sentence consists of a subject pronoun, a verb phrase, a noun phrase, and an adverbial phrase. You did a good job analyzing the different parts!