Two institutions/community organization that are involved in supporting or reddress to poverty

To find two institutions or community organizations involved in supporting or addressing poverty, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for Local Government Agencies: Local government agencies often have various programs aimed at addressing poverty. Start by searching for the social services or poverty alleviation departments within your local government. For example, in the United States, you can search for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

2. Online Research: Use search engines to look for organizations that focus on poverty reduction in your community or region. You can enter search terms like "poverty alleviation organizations in [your location]," "nonprofits fighting poverty," or "community organizations addressing poverty."

3. Ask for Recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, colleagues, or local community groups. Reach out to individuals involved in community service or social work who may have knowledge of organizations that specialize in tackling poverty.

4. Consult Social Service Directories: Check online directories or databases that list community organizations and nonprofits. Websites like Charity Navigator, GuideStar, or VolunteerMatch can provide information about specific charities or organizations working to address poverty.

5. Local Community Centers or Places of Worship: Visit local community centers, places of worship, or community-based organizations that are active in community development. These places often have outreach programs, social workers, or advocates who actively work towards poverty alleviation.

Remember, poverty alleviation efforts can vary based on your location. It is essential to explore various avenues to identify institutions or community organizations that align with your specific geographical context.