I am just starting to learn algebra. My question is -2n-(9-10n)=?

I have to simplify this.
I think it is 8n-9
Can you please tell me if this is correct or how to do it?
Thanks a lot

First of all remove the brackets

-2n-(9-10n)= -2n-9+10n

then group like terms together

-2n-9+10n = 10n-2n-9

10n-2n-9 = 8n-9

So yes, I agree.

the answer is 8n-9

To simplify the expression -2n - (9 - 10n), you need to follow the order of operations, which is PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses: 9 - 10n. Since there is no addition or subtraction within that expression, you can rewrite it as -10n + 9.

Now, you have -2n - (-10n + 9). To remove the parentheses around -10n + 9, you must distribute the negative sign to both terms within the parentheses. This can be done by multiplying -1 to -10n and then -1 to +9. This results in 2n + 10n - 9.

Now, you have -2n + 10n - 9. To combine like terms, add the coefficients of "n." This gives you 8n - 9.

So, the simplified expression is indeed 8n - 9.

Great job on your attempt! Keep practicing, and you'll become more comfortable with algebraic simplification.