In physics,Light chapter:

A/c to huygens principle light travels in the form of Waves but When he explained Ripple's tank experiment he showed that light travels in the form of particles{in diagram}Why?

i think ripple tank was not explained by hygens

Huygens' principle states that light behaves as a wave. According to this principle, each point on a wavefront acts as a source of secondary wavelets that spread out in all directions. These secondary wavelets interfere with each other to create a new wavefront, explaining the wave-like behavior of light.

However, in certain experiments and observations, light also exhibits particle-like behavior. One such experiment is the photoelectric effect, which involves shining light on a metal surface and observing the emission of electrons. This phenomenon led to the development of the concept of photons.

In Huygens' time, the wave-particle duality of light was not fully understood. It was only later, in the early 20th century, that the quantum theory of light emerged, introducing the idea that light can exist as both a wave and a particle depending on the experiment.

The explanation for Huygens' particle-like diagram in the Ripple's tank experiment is that it was a speculative attempt to explain the reflection and refraction of light in terms of particles, as that was the prevailing belief at the time. Huygens was trying to understand how light behaves, and his diagram was a step towards formulating a theory that could explain both the wave-like and particle-like behavior of light.