Immigration was a hot topic during this time period (1820-1850), and it remains a hot topic today. In what ways does immigration continue to shape our nation?

can anyone "get the ball rolling" for me. not looking for an answer, just a starting point. maybe some topics to discuss. thank you

Most of us are descended from immigrants. Yet we tend toward xenophobia, the fear of strangers. Part of this is due to the difficulty of learning a new language as adults. The first generation usually keeps its old-country customs.

These articles should get you started.

as always, you have saved the day!! you are awesome. thank you.

You're very welcome.

To get started on discussing how immigration continues to shape our nation, here are a few topics you can explore:

1. Economic Impact: Discuss how immigrants contribute to the economy through their labor, entrepreneurial ventures, and consumer spending. You can look into job creation, innovation, and their role in various industries.

2. Cultural Diversity: Analyze the ways in which immigrants bring diverse cultures, traditions, languages, and perspectives that enrich our society. Explore how this diversity affects our arts, music, cuisine, and general cultural fabric.

3. Demographic Changes: Examine how immigration alters the demographics of the United States, including population growth, age distribution, and changing ethnic and racial makeup. Discuss the impact of these changes on social dynamics, politics, and policy-making.

4. Social Contributions: Explore the contributions of immigrants in various areas like science, academia, sports, and entertainment, as well as their involvement in community building, volunteerism, and philanthropy.

5. International Relations: Discuss how immigration affects our relationship with other countries, with a focus on diplomacy, trade, and cultural exchange. Explore the impacts of brain drain and brain gain on both the sending and receiving countries.

6. Political Debates and Policies: Analyze the ongoing debates about immigration laws, policies, and reforms. Explore the influence of immigration issues in elections, public opinion, and the role of various stakeholders, such as advocacy groups and government agencies.

Remember, these are just starting points, and you can delve deeper into any of these topics. Be sure to consider both positive and negative aspects of immigration while discussing its impact on shaping the nation.