60% of the people on a bus are male. After 1/3 of the males alighted from the bus, what percentage of the people left on the bus are females?

Hmmmm. Alighted? My Lord, were they flying?

Anyway, 1/3 of 60 percent is 20 percent, so on the bus remains 40 percent male and 40 percent female

PrecentMaleThere= 40/80=50 percent

X = The # of people on bus.

0.6X = The # of males on bus.

(1/3) * 0.6X = 0.2X = The # of males exited bus.
0.6X - 0.2X = 0.4X = The # of males
remaining on bus.

X - 0.2X = 0.8X = The # of people on bus.

%Male = 0.4X / 0.8X = 0.5 = 50% = Percentage of male remaining on bus.

100% - 50% = 50% Females.

To find the percentage of females left on the bus after 1/3 of the males have alighted, we need to understand the initial percentage of males and females on the bus.

Given that 60% of the people on the bus are male, we can conclude that 40% are female since the total percentage should add up to 100%.

Now, let's calculate what portion of the males alighted. Since 1/3 of the males alighted, it means that 2/3 (which is 1 - 1/3) of the males remain on the bus.

To find the percentage of females left, we need to calculate the remaining portion of the total percentage. Since 2/3 of the males remain on the bus, the remaining proportion of females would be (40% + 2/3 * 60%).

Let's calculate it: (40% + (2/3 * 60%))
= (40% + (2/3 * 60/100))
= (40% + (120/300))
= (40% + 40/100)
= (40% + 0.4)
= 40.4%

Hence, after 1/3 of the males have alighted from the bus, around 40.4% of the people left on the bus are females.