Write one or two equations to represent the situation below. Solve the equation(s). Show all your work.

A collection of dimes and quarters totals 72 coins. Together the dimes and quarters are equal to $11.70. How many of each coin are in the collection?

2 and 6 tenths?

Can you show me the equations and how you got that plz

I can't help with the other problem, Danny. I'm clueless at how to solve it without looking at my old textbooks.

This one, however, is relatively simple.

If d is dimes and q is quarters, write what you know:

d + q = 72
The dimes and quarters have to equal 72 coins)

0.10(d) + 0.25(q) = $11.70
(You need to factor in the value of each coin when figuring out how to get to the total.)

I hope that helps you! My class is over and I won't be at the computer anymore tonight.

Good Luck!
Amy :)

Thank you!PLease come on tommorrow!Also can anybody else help me with this??

I need to know what inequalities mens

i just failed a fraction test and i have no clue on anything on fractions helP!


I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with fractions. Understanding fractions can be challenging, but I'm here to help! To start, let's learn what inequalities mean.

In mathematics, inequalities are used to compare two quantities and express a relationship between them. An inequality uses symbols such as < (less than), > (greater than), ≤ (less than or equal to), or ≥ (greater than or equal to) to indicate the relationship between the numbers.

For example, if you have two numbers, let's say x and y, you can compare them using inequalities:

- x < y means x is less than y.
- x > y means x is greater than y.
- x ≤ y means x is less than or equal to y.
- x ≥ y means x is greater than or equal to y.

These inequalities allow us to express relationships such as "x is greater than y" or "x is less than or equal to y" mathematically.

Now, regarding your struggle with fractions, fractions can be tricky, but with practice, you can improve! Here are a few tips to help you:

1. Understand the basics: Make sure you understand what numerators and denominators represent in a fraction. The numerator is the number above the fraction line, and the denominator is the number below it. For example, in the fraction 3/4, 3 is the numerator and 4 is the denominator.

2. Equivalent fractions: Learn how to find equivalent fractions by multiplying or dividing both the numerator and denominator by the same number. Equivalent fractions represent the same portion of a whole but have different numerators and denominators.

3. Adding and subtracting fractions: To add or subtract fractions, you need to have a common denominator. Find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators, then convert the fractions to have the same denominator. After that, you can perform the addition or subtraction operation on the numerators.

4. Multiplying and dividing fractions: To multiply fractions, simply multiply the numerators together and the denominators together. To divide fractions, flip the second fraction (reciprocal) and then multiply.

5. Practice: The more you practice with different fraction problems, the more comfortable you will become. Do plenty of exercises, seek help from a teacher or tutor, and use online resources to practice fraction-related problems.

Remember, learning fractions takes time and patience. Don't hesitate to ask for help and keep practicing. You will improve over time!