ms sue thank you so much. and please help me again for this answer so that i can submit to my teacher in english.

. “Spoken language was the first form of communication between human beings, it came along with the written language, and writing is the transcript of speech not a vice-versa” Explain.

Language is the most important to have an understanding or communicate in everyone. Without language we could not understand with each other and .everything would be a big problem.
Language is the main use for every human being in order to convey a and transmit a message to every human being created.
Writing is the representaion of language and most likely needed for transmitting information. Writing is necessary to convey or transcript information to every human being and without

I suggest you simplify your sentences.

Language is important to communicate with other people.

Writing is the representation of spoken language.

It is the transcription of speech.

writing, it would be difficult to communicate effectively and efficiently.

The statement "Spoken language was the first form of communication between human beings, it came along with the written language, and writing is the transcript of speech not a vice-versa" further emphasizes the significance of spoken language as the initial mode of communication.

To understand this statement, let's break it down:

1. Spoken language was the first form of communication between human beings: This implies that spoken language predates written language. In the early stages of human development, people communicated with each other primarily through spoken words, gestures, and sounds.

2. It came along with the written language: As human civilization progressed, the need to preserve information, history, and knowledge became increasingly important. This led to the development of written language as a way to record and transmit information. However, it is important to note that spoken language was already established before the emergence of written language.

3. Writing is the transcript of speech, not vice-versa: This means that writing is a representation or transcription of spoken language, rather than the other way around. Writing is an attempt to capture speech and convey it in a visual form. It is the written word that is derived from the spoken word, not the other way around.

To explain this to your teacher in English, you can use the following explanation:

"Language is the foundation of human communication, and it began with spoken language. Before the development of written language, people relied on spoken words to express themselves and convey meaning. As our civilization progressed, the need to record and transmit information led to the emergence of written language as a way to preserve knowledge. However, it is important to understand that writing is a representation of speech, not the other way around. Writing is an attempt to transcribe spoken language into a visual form. Without spoken language, there would be no written language. Therefore, writing is the transcript of speech, not vice versa."