Is this right if I substitute -2 for x?



No, the value of f(-2) is 4 -(-14) = 18, on the left side of the equation. That does not equal the 10 on the right side, so -2 is not a solution of the equation. Correct solutions are 8.217 and -1.217

I think he is looking for f(x), not for a solution.

There seems to be a typo. I think you mean:

f(x) = x^2 - 7x + 10
for x = -2
f(-2) = (-2)^2 - 7 (-2) + 10
f(-2) = 4 + 14 + 10
f(-2) = 28

To ensure that you substitute -2 correctly into the function f(x)=x^2-7x+10, let's go through the steps together:

1. Start with the original function: f(x)=x^2-7x+10.
2. Replace every occurrence of x with -2.
3. Now we have: f(-2)=(-2)^2-7(-2)+10.
4. Simplify the expression inside the parentheses: f(-2)=4-7(-2)+10.
5. Multiply -7 by -2: f(-2)=4+14+10.
6. Perform the addition: f(-2)=28.
7. So, when you substitute -2 for x in the function f(x), you get f(-2)=28.

Therefore, the correct answer is f(-2)=28, not f(-2)=-8 as you mentioned in your question.