I need this answer in Scientific Notation please help


All you need to remember with scientific notation is the decimal place and the number of 10's to the left (-) or right (+) from the decimal.

For instance if the number is 5.14*10^5
multiply the coefficient or base (5.14) by the power of 10, in this case five. In this case the 0s go to to right of the decimal. You need to remember to put an extra zero and decimal at the end of the 0s.
5.14x10^5 is 5.14x10x10x10x10x10 5.14000.0.
If the power is ^-5 it would be
Does that make sense?
Basically a scientific notation is converting the expression into whole numbers.

To express the number 7.74 x 10^-4 in scientific notation, we need to understand the basic format of scientific notation. In scientific notation, a number is expressed as the product of a coefficient between 1 and 10, multiplied by a power of 10.

In this case, the coefficient is 7.74, and the power of 10 is -4. To convert this into scientific notation, we move the decimal point in the coefficient to the left by 4 places. Since the power of 10 is negative, we move the decimal point to the left. The final result is:

7.74 x 10^-4

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!