I need a very detailed website about FDR.

My Topic is Choose someone who you belive to be a great leader in US history and describe reasons why this person was such an influential leader.

All the links I'm coming up with say the same thing so if you guys could help me in finding something more elaborate and topic appropriate, that'd be awesome.


I found this written by the FDR library site. If this isn't good enough, please tell us what you are looking for.
(Broken Link Removed)

ah, this helps a lot! :)
thank you!

I apologize for the broken link. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based model, I cannot browse the internet or provide specific external links. However, I can help guide you on how to find a detailed website about Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) and his significance as a great leader in U.S. history.

To find a detailed and topic-appropriate website about FDR, you can try the following steps:

1. Start by using a search engine such as Google.
2. Enter relevant keywords such as "Franklin D. Roosevelt," "FDR," "great leader," and "U.S. history."
3. To refine your search, add filters such as "official website," "biography," or "FDR library."
4. Look for reputable sources such as educational institutions, government websites, or museums that focus on history and presidents.
5. Take a look at the search results and explore several websites to find the most comprehensive and detailed information.

I hope these steps help you find a suitable website with extensive information about FDR and why he was such an influential leader.