I'm not clear on the purpose of a decision grid. I know it's most likely common sense but is it just used for considering your options and comparing them in columns or does it have a purpose beyond that?

As I understand a decision grid, it's purpose is to help make decisions.

Okay. Sorry, I'm overthinking it. Thank you!

You're welcome.

A decision grid, also known as a decision matrix, is indeed used to compare options and make decisions based on different criteria. While its purpose primarily revolves around evaluating and comparing alternatives, it can serve several other purposes as well.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to use a decision grid:

1. Identify your objective: Clearly define the goal or decision you need to make. This will guide you in determining the criteria to consider.

2. Determine evaluation criteria: Identify the factors that are important in making your decision. These criteria should be relevant, measurable, and distinct from each other. For example, if you are deciding between different cars to purchase, criteria could include price, fuel efficiency, safety ratings, and interior space.

3. Assign weights to criteria: Assign relative importance or weights to each criterion based on how significant it is in achieving your objective. This step helps account for the varying importance of different criteria.

4. Generate alternatives: List all the possible options or alternatives that you have for your decision. For example, if you are deciding between different universities to attend, your alternatives might include universities A, B, and C.

5. Evaluate alternatives against criteria: Evaluate each alternative based on each criterion and assign a rating or score. You can use a numerical scale or a scoring system. For example, you might rate university A as 8/10 for reputation, 7/10 for location, and so on.

6. Multiply scores by criteria weights: Multiply the scores obtained for each criterion by their respective weights. This step ensures that the criteria with higher importance have a greater overall impact on the decision.

7. Calculate the total score: Add up the weighted scores for each alternative to get a total score. This will provide an overall evaluation of each option.

8. Compare and rank alternatives: Once the total scores are calculated, you can compare them to determine the best option. The alternative with the highest total score is generally considered the most favorable choice.

The decision grid helps you visualize and systematically evaluate different options against multiple criteria. It allows you to quantitatively assess the alternatives, providing a structured and transparent approach to decision-making. Additionally, the decision grid can be a helpful tool for comparing complex decisions that involve numerous factors.