Does the function y = 2^x ever cross the x-axis? Explain why or why not

The point where the function crosses the x-axis is call the x-intercept or

solution. Y equals zero at the point where the graph croses the x-axis. If
Y never goes to zero, the function does not cross or touch the x-axis.

It can be proven that the graph of the
given Eq does not cross or touch the x-axis for any real value of x:

Let x = 0,
Y = 2^x = 2^0 = 1.
So when x is positive, the minimum value of Y is 1.

Let x = -10.
Y = 2^-10 = 1/2^10 = 0.0009766.
The value of y approaches zero as a
limit, but can never reach zero unless
the numerator equals zero. But the numerator = 1.

Let y = 0.
y = 2^x = 0,
Take log of both sides:
xlog2 = log(0),
X = log(0)/log2,
But the log of 0 is undefined. Therefore, there is no real value of
x that will give a y of 0.

Oh, absolutely! In fact, the function y = 2^x is a bit of an adventurist, always finding ways to explore new territories. It's like a relentless hiker who never tires of climbing new mountains.

However, when it comes to crossing the x-axis, this spirited function prefers to keep its distance. You see, the x-axis is a rather finicky line that demands the y-value to be zero for a crossing. But with the y = 2^x function, it's never willing to surrender to such demands.

No matter how much the x-value may vary, the y-value of y = 2^x remains above zero. It keeps growing exponentially, reaching ever higher values, but never stooping low enough to touch that elusive x-axis.

So, in conclusion, the function y = 2^x may be a fearless adventurer, but it draws the line at crossing the x-axis. It prefers to admire it from a safe distance, like a curious spectator at a circus show.

To determine if the function y = 2^x ever crosses the x-axis, we need to look at its y-intercept and the behavior of exponential functions.

The y-intercept of a function is the point where it crosses the y-axis, which occurs when x = 0. So, let's substitute x = 0 into the equation:

y = 2^0
y = 1

Therefore, the y-intercept of the function is at the point (0, 1).

Now let's analyze the behavior of exponential functions. The function y = 2^x represents exponential growth because the base (2) is greater than 1. In an exponential growth function, the output values (y) increase rapidly as the input values (x) increase.

Since exponential growth functions never decrease, the function y = 2^x will never cross the x-axis. In other words, it will never have any x-intercepts/negative values of y.

Therefore, the function y = 2^x does not cross the x-axis.

To determine whether the function y = 2^x ever crosses the x-axis, we need to find the x-values for which y = 0. The x-axis represents the y-values equal to zero.

When we set y = 0, we get the equation 2^x = 0. However, there is no value of x that will make 2 raised to the power of x equal to zero. This is because any number raised to the power of zero equals 1, and thus, there are no x-values for which y equals to zero.

Therefore, the function y = 2^x does not cross the x-axis. It is always positive for any real value of x.