As the health care industry evolves and changes so do the legal and ethical issues that its employees face. An employee of the facility you have chosen to study this term has come to you with a question. He has heard a lot about issues the organization is facing currently and says he is confused by how these decisions are influenced by ethics and law. He goes on to state that he does not see a distinction between looking at an issue from an ethical and a legal perspective.

•Do you agree or disagree with this statement that there is no difference in approaching a decision from a legal and ethical perspective?
•Why do you believe as you do?

Be sure to provide a properly referenced basis for your answer, in APA format.

If all you do is post your entire assignment, not much will happen. Before anyone here can help you we need to know what your specific questions about the assignment are and what your thinking is so far.

For APA information:

How can decisions are influenced by ethics and law? The difference among ethical and legal perspective which can affect decision making?

Please re-read what you posted. The first part doesn't make good sense, and the second is not a complete sentence.

Read many of the definitions here for the word "ethical":
Check on the meaning of "moral" as well.

Read many of the definitions here for the word "legal":

All decisions are made with these ideas in mind. For one thing, if decisions are made that are not legal, what do you think will happen?

Read lots and take good notes. Then let us know what you decide.

How can ethics and law have an influence on decisions? What is the difference among ethical and legal perspectives that can affect decision making?

Did you read the definitions of ethical, moral, and legal?

What are these definitions?

How do YOU think they can affect decision making?

Title: The Distinction Between Approaching Decisions from a Legal and Ethical Perspective

The statement that there is no difference in approaching a decision from a legal and ethical perspective raises an important question regarding the interplay between legality and ethics in the healthcare industry. This response aims to provide an explanation of why there exists a distinction between these two perspectives and how they influence decision-making in healthcare organizations.

Agree or Disagree:
I disagree with the statement that there is no difference in approaching a decision from a legal and ethical perspective in the healthcare industry. Both ethics and law play crucial roles in guiding decision-making, but they are distinct in their nature and application.

Basis for Disagreement:

1. Legal Perspective:
The legal perspective in healthcare is primarily concerned with adherence to statutory regulations, laws, and policies that govern the industry. Legal requirements are codified and enforced by governmental bodies, such as federal, state, and local authorities. Compliance with legal obligations helps healthcare organizations avoid legal sanctions, liabilities, and penalties. Legal standards often provide a minimum threshold of behavior, focusing on rights, obligations, and responsibilities of parties involved. Legal decisions typically involve interpreting and applying legal authorities, precedents, and statutes. For example, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) establishes privacy and security standards for protecting patients' health information.

2. Ethical Perspective:
The ethical perspective in healthcare focuses on moral principles, values, and judgments that guide decisions and actions in the absence of specific legal mandates. Ethical considerations go beyond simple legal compliance by addressing moral dilemmas, values, fairness, and the well-being of patients and stakeholders. Ethical analysis involves a broader reflection on the potential consequences, fairness, and the impact on individuals and society. Ethical principles, such as autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice, support decision-making processes in healthcare. Ethical viewpoints may vary based on cultural, religious, and personal beliefs, making consensus more challenging to achieve.

3. Interaction between Ethics and Law:
Although the legal and ethical perspectives have distinct origins, they often intersect and influence each other. Ethical principles often inform the creation and updating of laws and regulations. Legal frameworks provide a foundation by establishing a minimum standard of behavior, but they do not capture all possible moral considerations. Ethical analysis enables organizations and professionals to go beyond compliance and consider what is morally right, just, and appropriate.

In summary, the distinction between the legal and ethical perspectives lies in their origin, focus, and application. While the legal perspective in healthcare ensures compliance with mandatory rules and regulations, the ethical perspective takes into account moral values, consequences, and the impact on various stakeholders. Although there are overlapping areas between ethics and law, acknowledging their differences allows organizations and employees to make informed decisions that encompass both legal requirements and ethical considerations.

1. American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.