I arrived on Barbados on 12/09/99

There is no question here.

Enjoy your stay.

You school is not your school subject.

You have not asked a question.

I just hope you are not skipping class. But if I had to skip class, I might pick Barbados also.

To determine the day of the week you arrived in Barbados on December 9, 1999, we can use a simple method called the Zeller's Congruence algorithm. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Convert the given date to the Modified Julian Day (MJD) number. The MJD is a continuous count of days since November 17, 1858.

For December 9, 1999:
Year: 1999
Month: 12 (December)
Day: 9

To convert to MJD, we need to subtract 678,575 from the Gregorian calendar date. This is because November 17, 1858, was -678,575 days before December 9, 1999.

MJD = Gregorian date - 678,575

MJD = (1999 * 365) + (1999 / 4) - (1999 / 100) + (1999 / 400) + (30 * (12 - 1)) + 9 - 678,575
MJD = 730485

2. Apply Zeller's Congruence algorithm, which gives us a formula to calculate the day of the week from the MJD.

h = (MJD + 2) % 7

In this case: h = (730485 + 2) % 7 = 1

The value of 'h' ranges from 0 to 6, where 0 represents Saturday, 1 Sunday, and so on.

Therefore, you arrived in Barbados on December 9, 1999, which fell on a Friday.