Hey :)

If a juvenile is held in remand does this mean that their being held in custody (a juvenile detention center etc) while their waiting trial (i.e. havent been sentenced yet)?
I'm just having some trouble understanding the meaning of remand. Any help on this would be much appreciated :)
Thanks :)


To be held in custody, yes.

Hello! I'd be happy to help you understand the meaning of "remand."

In legal terms, remand refers to the act of detaining someone in custody before or during their trial, but after they have been formally charged with a crime. So, when a juvenile is held in remand, it means that they are being held in custody, typically in a juvenile detention center, while they are awaiting trial and have not yet been sentenced.

In order to find more information about this, including specific laws and regulations in your jurisdiction, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Consult legal resources: Look for legal dictionaries, publications, or online legal databases that provide definitions and explanations of legal terms. These resources often cite court cases and relevant statutes to further clarify the meaning.

2. Research local laws: Different jurisdictions may have variations in their definition and implementation of remand. Investigate the specific laws and procedures in your region by checking the legislation or consulting with local legal professionals.

3. Contact legal professionals: If you still have questions or need further clarification, consider seeking advice from legal professionals such as lawyers or legal aid organizations. They are well-versed in legal terminology and can help explain it in the context of your specific situation.

Remember, laws can vary depending on your jurisdiction, so it is always important to consult reliable legal resources or professionals to get accurate and up-to-date information.