measuring your heart rate is one way to check the intensity of exercise. studies show that a person's maximum heart rate depends on his or her age. The expression 220-a approximates a person's maximum heart rate in beats per minute, where a is the person's age.find the maximum heart rate

To find the maximum heart rate using the expression 220 - a, where 'a' represents a person's age, you simply subtract the person's age from 220.

Let's assume we want to calculate the maximum heart rate for a person who is 30 years old. We can substitute 'a' with 30 in the expression provided:

Maximum Heart Rate = 220 - a
Maximum Heart Rate = 220 - 30
Maximum Heart Rate = 190 beats per minute

Therefore, the estimated maximum heart rate for a 30-year-old person would be 190 beats per minute.

What is the person's age?