how are we affected by globalization without the internet

The internet has made made most of globalization possible. Before the internet, we had to rely on expensive phone calls and snail mail to communicate with people in other countries.

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this makes no sense to me.

Globalization is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon that can have various impacts on societies, cultures, economies, and individuals. While the internet has undoubtedly played a significant role in accelerating and facilitating globalization, it is important to note that globalization existed before the widespread use of the internet, and it continues to affect us in several ways, even without it. Here are a few ways in which globalization can influence individuals without the internet:

1. Cultural exchange: Globalization involves the exchange of ideas, beliefs, values, and cultural practices between different regions and nations. This can occur through various means, such as international travel, migration, trade, and the spread of media like television and radio. People can be exposed to different cultures, traditions, and perspectives, contributing to cultural diversity and enrichment.

2. Economic interdependence: Globalization has intensified economic interconnections between countries, even without the internet. Trade in goods and services, investments, and the flow of capital between nations have increased significantly. As a result, individuals can be affected by changes in global economic trends, such as shifts in job opportunities, market demands, and economic crises.

3. Access to products and services: Globalization has made it possible for products and services from different parts of the world to be available even without the internet. Through international trade, people can access a wider range of goods and services, including imported food, clothing, electronics, and other consumer products.

4. Migration and cultural diversity: Globalization has facilitated international migration, as people move across borders for various reasons such as work, education, or seeking a better quality of life. This contributes to cultural diversity and can have social, economic, and political implications in both the host and home countries of migrants.

5. Global issues and challenges: Globalization has connected countries and societies on a global scale, allowing for the coordination of efforts to address common challenges. Issues such as climate change, communicable diseases, security threats, and human rights violations require international cooperation, regardless of internet access. Thus, individuals can be impacted by these global issues, irrespective of their online connectivity.

In conclusion, while the internet has greatly enhanced the speed and extent of globalization, it is important to acknowledge that globalization can still affect individuals in several ways without relying on internet connectivity.