Kari is 10 years old. her sister is half her age. Explain why 10 x 1/2 can be used to find her sisters age?

10/1 * 1/2 = 10/2 = 5

Do you know why this method would be used?

Because to find half of ten, you need to multiply 10/1 * 1/2

An 8-years-old boy is half his sister's age. when the boy is 1w. How old will his sister be?

To find Kari's sister's age, you need to determine half of Kari's age because her sister is half her age. Half of a number is equivalent to multiplying the number by 1/2 or dividing it by 2. In this case, Kari's age is 10, so by using multiplication, you can represent half her age as 10 x 1/2. This simplifies to 10/2, which equals 5. Therefore, multiplying 10 by 1/2 allows you to find Kari's sister's age, which is 5.