A number is rounded to 5,349,000.What are the smallest and greatest possible values for this number?

5,000,000 is the smallest.

5,350,000 is the greatsest.
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5,349,000 is rounded to the nearest thousand. We need to look at the number in the hundreds place. Since it's 0, we know that the original number was between 5,348,500 and 5,349,499.

Study this site.


You're welcome. :-)

the smallest is 5,000,000

the greatest is 5,350,000
am i right?

No. I gave you the answer above!

i don't understand,can you please explain?

Please study the site I posted for you above plus these sites.




To determine the smallest and greatest possible values for a number that is rounded, we need to consider the range within which the number could fall.

When a number is rounded, the rounding process involves selecting the nearest value based on a specific rounding rule. In this case, the number is rounded to 5,349,000.

To find the smallest possible value, we need to consider the decimal values that could result in rounding down to 5,349,000. One way to achieve this is to subtract 0.5 from the rounded number and calculate the resulting value:

Smallest possible value = 5,349,000 - 0.5

To find the greatest possible value, we need to consider the decimal values that could result in rounding up to 5,349,000. To achieve this, we can add 0.5 to the rounded number and calculate the resulting value:

Greatest possible value = 5,349,000 + 0.5

Therefore, the smallest possible value will be approximately 5,348,999.5, while the greatest possible value will be approximately 5,349,000.5. It's important to note that these values are approximate, as rounding can introduce some uncertainty.