Solve for x: 6/x + 8/9 = 10/3x

I will assume you meant

6/x + 8/9 = 10/(3x)

multiply each term by 9x, the LCD
54 + 8x = 30

easy after that ....

again, multiply all terms by 9x, and solve. Are you having difficulty with that?

To solve for x in the equation 6/x + 8/9 = 10/3x, we can start by eliminating the fractions by multiplying each term by the least common denominator (LCD), which is 9x.

First, let's multiply every term by 9x:

9x * (6/x) + 9x * (8/9) = 9x * (10/3x)

Simplifying each term:

54 + 8x = 30

Now, let's isolate the variable, x, by moving all the terms without x to the right side of the equation:

8x = 30 - 54
8x = -24

Finally, divide both sides by 8 to solve for x:

x = -24/8
x = -3

Therefore, the solution to the equation 6/x + 8/9 = 10/3x is x = -3.