I have no idea where to begin with this. A SQL statement that creates a user defined function that returns an int value is needed. This int return value is obtained by deducting the lowest Count field value from the highest Count field value of the Part table. You should enter sample test records in the Part table if you are running/testing this function in SQL Server.

Try the max() and min() functions.

Depending on the flavour of the SQL you're using, you could do something like:

SELECT MAX(PartCount)-MIN(PartCount) AS CountRange FROM PartsTable;

If you need a "function" and not a select statement, it depends on the SQL you're using (e.g. PL/SQL for Oracle)

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To create a user-defined function in SQL Server that deducts the lowest Count field value from the highest Count field value of the Part table, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Create the Part table and insert some sample test records. Here's an example of how you can create the Part table and insert sample records:

PartName VARCHAR(100),
Count INT

INSERT INTO Part (PartID, PartName, Count)
VALUES (1, 'Part 1', 10),
(2, 'Part 2', 20),
(3, 'Part 3', 5),
(4, 'Part 4', 15);

Step 2: Create a user-defined function. You can use the MAX and MIN functions to get the highest and lowest Count field values from the Part table and then deduct them to return the desired int value. Here's an example of how you can create the function:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetCountDifference()
DECLARE @MaxCount INT, @MinCount INT;

SELECT @MaxCount = MAX(Count),
@MinCount = MIN(Count)
FROM Part;

RETURN @MaxCount - @MinCount;

Step 3: Test the user-defined function by calling it. Since the user-defined function does not have any parameters, you can simply call it using the SELECT statement. Here's an example:

SELECT dbo.GetCountDifference() AS CountDifference;

This query will return the difference between the highest and lowest Count field values as the "CountDifference" column.

Note: Make sure you replace "dbo" with the appropriate schema name if you're using a different schema.

That's it! You've created a user-defined function in SQL Server that deducts the lowest Count field value from the highest Count field value of the Part table.